2022 - A Year in review
The Tech-Girls mission is to empower girls to imagine and achieve their future dreams in our tech-savvy world. To fulfill this mission we work with a wide variety of collaborators to provide hands-on activities, mentoring, and resources needed to support girls and young women on their STEM journey. In 2022, we saw the return of Girls' Geek Day and several new partnerships. Check out more highlights below:
- Partnered with the Girls Maker Camp, a middle school outreach program from the Women's Maker Program at UVA. Participants got hands-on with makerspace technologies including 3D Modeling, 3D Printing, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the Robertson Media Center and saw how they are used every day to make a difference in people's lives. The maker camp sessions were led by UVA students who are part of the Women's Maker Program Residency.
- Organized the 9th annual Bio-Med Tech-Girls program in collaboration with the Biomedical Engineering department and the Design Lab at UVA. New this year was a full day exploring robotics in the Link Lab and a half day exploring VR and 3D design in the Robertson Media Center. There were also several special guests and behind-the-scenes lab tours.
- Brought robotics to Clubfest, a celebration of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Virginia.
- Organized Girls' Geek Day on December 10th hosted at Center 1 in Albemarle County Public Schools. Girls' Geek Days are all about sparking elementary school aged girls' interest in STEM. A group from GA-CCRi developed and led a great hands-on activity on using LEGO to understand APIs. In addition to these professional role models, we had so many high school students volunteer their time and lead amazing sessions on coding, robotics, and animation!
- Continued to be a source of information about local and global STEM-related activities and events through the Tech-Girl Monthly, Summer STEM Guide, social media and website.