Why are we focused on girls?
There's no question that technology-based innovations like PCs, the world-wide web, social media and smart phones have fundamentally changed the way we work, communicate, govern, educate and so much more. Why is it then, that if technological advancement is so rapid and so integral to our society, the study in the field of computer science (CS) has not been keeping pace?
Tech-Girls is all about nurturing girls interest in STEM. We work with girls by providing hands-on activities that will engage their natural curiosity about technology fields. We work with parents, educators and partners to provide training, resources and relationships needed to support and help the girls continue their journey and stay in the pipeline.
We don't expect everyone will want to be a programmer when they grow up, we just want anyone to know they can. We want to convert technology users into technology creators, collaborators and activists!
- Jobs in computing and information technology are expected to grow to 4.2 million in the U.S by 2020, that's 150,000 new computing jobs every year. Unfortunately, there are currently not enough people in the educational pipeline studying STEM fields to fill these positions.
- We know there is untapped potential because 74% of girls in middle school say they are interested in studying STEM subjects while women make up less than 20% of STEM field graduates.
- The key to unlocking this potential is to start much earlier in the educational pipeline because research shows that by age 13 girls determine a positive or negative attitude toward subjects like computer science.
Tech-Girls is all about nurturing girls interest in STEM. We work with girls by providing hands-on activities that will engage their natural curiosity about technology fields. We work with parents, educators and partners to provide training, resources and relationships needed to support and help the girls continue their journey and stay in the pipeline.
We don't expect everyone will want to be a programmer when they grow up, we just want anyone to know they can. We want to convert technology users into technology creators, collaborators and activists!
Check out this video from Dot Diva with your daughter. It shows that computing is really about imagining possibilities, discovering your potential and creating the solutions of the future. |