One way to check out what you can do with technology is to play games!
- Binary Game (online) - try your luck at deciphering the computer language of binary
- Cargo-Bot (iOS) - a puzzle game where you teach a robot how to move crates
- CodeSpells (Mac beta) - learn to program by crafting your own magic spells
- (online) - a place for kids to learn and share skills
- Games for Change (online) - change the world through games
- Gamestar Mechanic (online) - learn to design video games, by playing a video game
- GameUp from BrainPOP (online) - pick your favorite subject & find a collection of games
- Hello Worlds! (online) - mind bending, puzzle platformer
- light-Bot & light-Bot 2.0 (online) - program the bot to light things up
- Science Museum Games (online) - many created with student input
- Time Machine (online) - a web-based interactive adventure currently under construction & looking for input from tech-girls
- Thinking Myself (online) - try solving these computing problems
Geek Gurl Diaries
Geek Gurl Diaries is a YouTube web series for teenagers who want to be makers and creators of technology. You'll find interviews with inspirational women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) as well as tutorials for cool projects you can create yourself.
Intro to Computer Science
Create your own Playlist on MentorMob!
You can also explore computer science concepts:
- Computer Science Student Network - this network from Carnegie Mellon will help you get connected to lots of fun activities
- CodeAvengers - tutorials to help you learn HTML, CSS & Javascript
- Crunchzilla - offers 3 levels of JavaScript tutorials to get shapes moving
- CodeHS - programming with Karel
- Hour of Code - find lots of fun, intro to coding tutorials here
- MOOCs with free CS courses - Coursera, EdX, Udacity
- Mozilla's Teach the Web - some great web making starter kits
- Tech-Girls Project - curriculum to spark interest and explore in-depth