Cool Tools
App Hacking
Web Hacking
Image Hacking
Audio Hacking
Video Hacking
Game Hacking
Code Hacking
- Corona SDK Starter (PC & Mac) - mobile app software development kit
- jQuery Mobile (online) - touch-optimized framework to create mobile web pages
- MIT App Inventor (online) - create an Android app (Android emulator requires a download for PC or Mac)
- TouchDevelop (online) - create a mobile web game on your phone, tablet or desktop
Web Hacking
- Blogger (online) - blog-based website creator
- Color Picker (online) - find the hex value for your favorite color
- CSS3Gen (online) - generates some cool snippets of CSS effects
- Getting Tricky with Wikis (online) - ideas for customizing your wiki
- Hackasaurus X-ray Goggles (online) - remix your favorite webpage
- HTML Cheatsheet (online) - easy reference for HTML tags
- HTML 5 Cheatsheet (online) - HTML 5 is the latest & greatest version that adds more interactivity & multimedia
- JQuery Mobile (online) - create a mobile, touch-optimized web page
- JSBin (online) - a sandbox for trying out HTML, CSS & Javascript code
- Mockingbird (online) - create a mock-up or wireframe of how you would like to layout your website
- Mozilla Thimble (online) - tool to learn webmaking
- NameCheap (online) - domain name registration & web hosting
- safe web fonts (online) - list of fonts that work best for websites
- Weebly (online) - template-based website creator
- Wikispaces (online) - wiki-based website creator
- WordPress (online) - content management system-based website creator
Image Hacking
- Big Huge Labs (online) - create a magazine cover, mosaic, movie poster and more
- Compfight (online) - a flickr search tool
- Creative Commons (online) - search for images you can reuse and remix
- CGTextures (online) - great site to find background image inspiration
- GIMP (open source) - advanced image editor
- Google SketchUp (PC & Mac) - 3D modeling
- InkScape (open source) - free vector graphics editor
- Paint.Net (PC) - awesome, free image editor
- Pickle (Mac & PC) - pixel editor
- piq (online) - draw pixel art
- Pixlr (online) - online photo editor
- Seashore (Mac) - simple image editor
- stock.xchng (online) - free stock photos
- SumoPaint (online) - image creator with lots of cool effects
Audio Hacking
- Audacity (PC & Mac) - sound recorder & editor
- Free Music Archive (online) - interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads
- Freesound (online) - collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, & recordings released under Creative Commons licenses
- Incompetech (online) - royalty free sound effects & full music tracks
- Jamendo (online) - creative commons music tracks
- Partners in Rhyme (online) - free sound effects
- Soundation (online) - generate 4 audio track sounds
- WolframTones (online) - tool to generate interesting sounds
Video Hacking
- Mozilla Popcorn Maker (online) - remix video & audio
- Picasion (online) - created an animated gif online
Game Hacking
- Alice (PC & Mac) - programming in a 3D environment (intermediate)
- Corona SDK (PC & Mac) - mobile game app software developer kit (advanced)
- Craftyy (online) - learn about making games with HTML 5 by remixing games
- Game Adventure Studio (PC) - bring your adventure game to life (intermediate)
- Gamestar Mechanic (online) - learn to create a game by playing a game (beginner)
- Game Maker Studio (PC & Mac) - game design platform to create casual, social games (advanced)
- Game Salad (PC & Mac) - game design engine for multiple platforms including mobile (advanced)
- PyGames (open source) - a set of Python modules designed for writing games
- Scratch (online) - create and share interactive stories, games, music and art (beginner)
- SketchNation (iPad) - draw your game to life
- Stencyl (PC & Mac) - web and mobile game creator (intermediate)
- Twine (PC & Mac) - create your own interactive adventure game (intermediate)
- Unreal Engine (PC) - 3D game making developer kit (advanced)
- Unity (PC & Mac) - 3D game design engine (advanced)
Code Hacking
- App Inventor (online) - create an Android app
- Blockly (online) - program your way through a maze and other blockly apps
- Cargo-Bot (iOS) - puzzle game to learn coding concepts
- CodeAvengers (online) - another fun Javascript tutorial
- Code Maven (online) - very visual Javascript tutorial
- CodeSpells (Mac) - learn to program by crafting your own magic spells
- Hackety Hack (PC & Mac) - learn Ruby programming
- Hopscotch (iPad) - intro to programming with blocks
- Khan Academy Code Editor (online) - code runs while you edit plus lots of video tutorials
- light-Bot (online, iOS & Android) - puzzle game to learn coding concepts
- Processing (open source) - learn programming fundamentals within a visual context
- Robo Rally (online) - a robo rally programming game (select Examples of Play -> Mini Rally Training Ground)
- TryRuby (online) - got 15 minutes? Give Ruby a shot.
- AnimatorDV Simple (PC) - stop motion animation software
- FramebyFrame (Mac) - stop motion animation software
- glogster (online) - create interactive posters with images, movies, sound & text
- Mozilla Popcorn Maker (online) - enhance, remix & share web videos
- Pencil Animation (PC) - traditional 2D animation software
- StopMotion Cafe (iPhone & iPad) - stop motion animation software
- VoiceThread (online) - tell a story online