Code of Conduct
- Please take the time to review these guidelines before joining Tech-Girls, so you know what the expectations are. We want this experience to be fun and meaningful for all!
- Celebrate and affirm the diverse backgrounds of all the participants, whether it’s their level of experience, gender, race, sexual orientation, culture, etc.
- Be an active part of making the experience welcoming for all.
- Follow guidelines and instructions provided by organizers, facilitators and workshop leaders.
- Treat an online setting like a face-to-face setting. Appropriate dress, language, and actions are required.
- Anywhere there is a chat feature, it should be used for asking questions, tech support and community building. If you abuse the chat feature, you will be removed from the platform.
- Keep yourself on mute when not speaking.
- Change your name to your first name only on Zoom calls.
- If you want to share something from your screen, please make sure no other websites are open other than Zoom and the page you want to share.
- Do not share personal information over the internet (i.e. name, address, phone number, age, passwords, etc.).
- Do not take screenshots, photos, or videos of anyone participating in Summer SPARK.
- Cyberbullying is not appropriate and will not be tolerated. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. If you are cyberbullying anyone, you will be removed from the program.